Insurance can seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. When you are looking at car insurance, you will notice many different kinds of policies. You might see one listed as “full coverage” and think that must be the right choice. In many cases, it is. However, that’s not always true, as individual needs can vary. VOS can help you understand your personal needs.
Do you need full coverage insurance in Austin, TX?
When you live in Austin, TX, you probably need to drive. Austin is a great city, and things are spread out. You will need a car to get around so that you can enjoy everything it has to offer. The problem is, when you drive, you are in danger of getting in an accident. Even the most minor of accidents can be very expensive, and that’s where insurance comes in. Car insurance is not just one thing, however. Many different facets may need to be covered, and you may need many different kinds of insurance.
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What full coverage insurance covers
Confusingly, full coverage insurance is not any one thing. Different insurance agents may refer to different things as “full coverage.” What it actually is is a package of multiple insurance policies designed to cover your own unique needs.
Full coverage insurance could include liability insurance (covering other people’s costs due to an accident you caused – you are legally required to carry this in Austin), comprehensive insurance (covering auto-related losses not due to a car accident), collision coverage (damage to your vehicle in an accident you were at fault for), and uninsured motorist coverage (if the other driver does not have insurance). It may also include personal injury or medical coverage, rental car reimbursement, accessories coverage, roadside assistance, loan payoff, and more.
Not everyone will need all kinds of insurance – for example, if you own your car outright, you will not need loan payoff coverage. That’s why purchasing a generic full coverage package is not often the right choice for everyone.
Confusingly, full coverage insurance is not any one thing. Different insurance agents may refer to different things as “full coverage.” What it actually is is a package of multiple insurance policies designed to cover your own unique needs.
Full coverage insurance could include liability insurance (covering other people’s costs due to an accident you caused – you are legally required to carry this in Austin), comprehensive insurance (covering auto-related losses not due to a car accident), collision coverage (damage to your vehicle in an accident you were at fault for), and uninsured motorist coverage (if the other driver does not have insurance). It may also include personal injury or medical coverage, rental car reimbursement, accessories coverage, roadside assistance, loan payoff, and more.
Not everyone will need all kinds of insurance – for example, if you own your car outright, you will not need loan payoff coverage. That’s why purchasing a generic full coverage package is not often the right choice for everyone.